by Phenomenal Leader President Henry Villa
NGITING TAGUMPAY!!! @ District Handover RY 2023 – 2023
I took my oath of office as a Phenomenal Leader and President of the Rotary Club of Manila South (RCMS) during a District Handover and Induction Ceremony last night at Okada Hotel. More than 120 Club Presidents under District 3810 covering the areas of Manila, Pasay City. Cavite and Occidental Mindoro also take their oaths under the able leadership of our District Governor, Dr. Joyce Ambray.
It gives me pride and honor to accept the presidency of the RCMS for Rotary Year 2022 – 2023. A service-oriented Club that is well-known in the district as one of its top performers in terms of service projects and also a producer of top districts leaders/officers.
To the best of my ability, I promise to steer our sail with courage and humility to implement the service-oriented trust of RCMS. We will continue the project initiated by our past presidents and at the same time launch more timely and relevant flagship projects of our own. We will endeavor to promote the Rotary not just simply through organizational branding efforts thru the multi-media but also through the success of our service projects that aims to benefit the community. We will implement our service projects with full transparency.
We will take care of our members and will consider them as a member of one big Rotary family. We will make them feel that their effort to serve above themselves would be truly appreciated. Aside from service-oriented projects, we will engage in more fellowships, sports, and cultural activities. We plan to have our own club basketball and volleyball teams, our own acoustic band if not yet full band, we will have our club uniforms and Rotary IDs, and we also plan to have our members covered by group health insurance.
We will keep partnerships with other organizations (i.e., Lions Club. Kiwanis Club, Inner Wheel, The Fraternal Order of Eagle, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, etc.) that commonly share our missions of service above self. We will ensure that our service projects focus on the 7 areas of service.
We will recruit more members, preferably those with fashion for civic and charity works, and at the same will endeavor to take care of our present roster of members. We will rejuvenate the interest of some of our inactive members so that together, we could walk toward the glory days of RCMS.
Together, let us join hands in building friendships and delivering excellent community service.
Interested to join the Rotary Club of Manila South?
You may approach some of our tagged members. In the alternative, you may visit our club website,