Name of Activity/Project: Protect, Save and Change Lives (A Community Service Webinar) Name of host/co-host [...]
Name of host/co-host clubs(if applicable): Venue: Barangay 867, Pandacan, Manila Date: October 17, 2021 Total [...]
Name of Activity/Project: Project H.O.P.E. Name of host/co-host clubs(if applicable): RC Chinatown Circle and Various [...]
Name of Activity/Project: Sisid Mariknow (A Webinar for Sexual Health Awareness) Name of host/co-host clubs [...]
Name of Activity/Project: Care and Share Project (Distribution of Hygiene Kits, Toiletries and Food Items) [...]
Name of Activity/Project: Rabies Awareness Webinar (Part 2) Name of host/co-host clubs(if applicable): RC Manila [...]
Lifted from the website of the INTERNATIONAL INNER WHEEL CLUBby District Editor Vicky Bondoc Cabrera [...]
Name of Activity/Project: Wheels Can Cerv Project (Cervical Cancer Awareness and Screening) Name of host/co-host [...]
CerviQ and the Philippine League of Government and Private Midwives, Incorporated, in collaboration with the [...]
Provision of Support for Medicine and Hospital Expenses to Illa Lagumbay [...]
RCMS actively participated and supported the bloodletting project by providing food for blood heroes during [...]
RCMS District Grant for this year went into the construction of 8 handwashing lavatory and [...]
RCMS actively participated as one of the co-hosts in two separate activities today (July 4, [...]