The Rotary Club Of Manila South is a product of a passionate aspiration of members of a very active club – The Rotary Club Of Bagumbayan-Manila (RCBM). Its territorial representation in the district Rotary Map is shared with the Mother club and covers the area bounded by Padre Burgos Street in the North, the bay area (Roxas Boulevard and the CCP Complex) in the West. Manila-Pasay boundary in the South, and the street of Angel Linao in the East.
It was conceptualized during the incumbency of PP Celestino G. Yokingko, then president of RCBM in RY 1983-1984. During the incumbency of PP Senyong Pascual an extension club committee was then created, chaired by an equally hardworking and brilliant Rotarian, Efren “Efren” G. Goño, a successful corporate lawyer. Then District Governor Juanito “Sonny” Ventura (RI District 3810) designated PP Ka Tino as his District Governor’s Special Representative (DGSR) to assure that the emerging club is well on its track.

In the company of DGSR Ka Tino and Chairman Efren were Rotarians Angeles “Angel” R. Robis, Nicolas “Nick” C. Enriquez, and Ricardo “Rick” F. Argonza. These Rotarians responded with enthusiasm to the challenge of promoting the new club in the district and fanned out the tourist district, invited several community, business and professional leaders to their first meeting on June 13, 1986, at the Manila Hilton, now Manila Pavilion. Several formative weekly meetings ensued, confirmed and honored by notable Rotarian Speakers who delved on the Rotary movement. It was in one of these meetings that the core group finally decided to call themselves Rotarians of the Rotary Club Of Manila South. And few days after, on June 26, 1986, with the Rotary spirit running on fever pitch, the new club elected its first set of officers with Efren G. Goño as the Charter President. The new club was officially chartered on October 13, 1986.
Then, the daughter club of RCBM known as the Rotary Club of Manila South started its dynamic role and became one of the most active clubs of RI District 3810.
From the original five (5) members from the Rotary Club of Bagumbayan, the Club was chartered with 24 members and grew to 39 members strong during the Charter Year. The Charter was presented by District Governor Antonio “Tony” Rufino at the “Top of the Hilton” where the District Officers of RI District 3810 and the different Club Presidents of other Rotary Clubs were welcomed for the first time with the RC Manila South Welcome Song composed by Pp Ric Argonza and the Rotary Club of Manila South Theme Song composed by our pianist Ms. Petite Sarinas. These songs were rendered with the accompaniment of the JUSMAG FRIDAY Orchestra. Likewise the Gong and Gavel designed by Architect Member Nilo Villanueva and donated by Pp Bert Suansing of the Rotary Club of Intramuros and Pp Rey Cristobal of the RC Bagumbayan, was banged for the first time before the Governor and other officers of District 3810. The Club’s Philippine Flag and the Rotary International Flag donated to RC Manila South were prominently displayed at the “Top of the Hilton” during the said affair.
The Club invited several noted speakers during club meetings and dedicated one meeting a month for the Rotary Anns to handle with their own guest Speakers. The Club sponsored the first Rotary Information Seminar for District 381. The said Welcome Song and Club Theme Song were sung regularly during the weekly meetings. The weekly club Bulletin “PAGASA” was designed and came out regularly containing Messages from the Charter President, Club Secretary, Club projects, District affairs and “Where to Make up” containing the schedules of weekly meeting of other Clubs.
President Angeles “ Angel” R. Robis succeeded in the Rotary Year 1987- 1988 and continued with the weekly meetings of the Club. He dedicated many projects for the community where he continued with the Medical Dental missions in the communities in the Ermita areas near the Rotary Circle and several depressed areas in the community like those living in karitons and small openings in the walls near the Ramon Magsaysay building in the Roxas Blvd area.
In Rotary year 1988-89 – Pres. Nicolas “Nick” Enriquez assumed the presidency of the Club. The Club successfully hosted the District Assembly ’89 for incoming Governor Herman Gamboa with CP Efren G. Goño as the District Chairman. The two day affair featured learning sessions on the different aspects of Rotary, Sessions for the incoming Club Presidents, Secretaries and Treasurers and all the Club Chairmen of the different Avenues of Service. Held at the prestigious Manila Hotel, music was provided by the famous Iggy de Guzman Orchestra for two days. The said affair showcased a one hour cultural show featuring Rotarians and Rotary Anns from Clubs in Manila, Makati, Pasay, Paranaque, Mindoro and the GSE Team. The said show was a ‘first’ In a District Assembly in the District produced by Ann Lita R. Goño dubbed as “The Philippine History through songs and dances. A theme song for District Assembly ’89 was specially composed and played by Iggy de Guzman Orchestra during the whole affair.
With his theme “ Happy Days are Here Again” Pres. Benedicto “Dick” Katigbak succeeded in RY 1989-90 where the Club became more vibrant with him at the helm. Fellowship cocktails with singers were featured before every meeting to drum up attendance and promptness among the members. Several interesting speakers were invited every meeting. Bumper stickers were produced for a Traffic Safety project and the Rotary Anns became more active and involved in the projects with the re-election of Ann Lita Gono as President.
In the RY 1990-91 Pres. Vicente “Vin D. Panganiban adopted the Club Theme “IT’S GOOD TO BE ALIVE” being a survivor of a quadruple bypass. He invited as Guest Speaker for his induction the popular comedian Dolphy who was a Survivor likewise. For the first time, the big Orchestra of a popular night club was allowed by its management to play outside and provided the music for our induction. The Rotary Year saw unprecedented donations to the Club and the Philippine General Hospital became a partner of the Club and received many donations and assistance from the club.
For the first time, the Club had a permanent office when Pres. Cesar “ Chaly” S. Arnaldo took over the leadership in RY 1991-92. Several office equipment were donated by Pp Chaly to the Club.
1992-93 – Pres. Eladio “Ely” S. Pasamba continued with the regular weekly meetings of the Club at the Holiday Inn.
In Ry 1993-94 – Pres. Ricardo “Rick” Argonza took over the presidency of the Club where the whole Rotary Year featured proceedings during club meetings where conducted in Pilipino language. The club was the only club in the district which did the same which received accolades from different Rotary District officers and Guest Speakers.
1994-95 – Alfonso S. de Guzman Being a Medical practitioner, Pres. Pons conducted several medical missions throughout the Rotary Year.
In RY 1995-96 Pres. Odelon “Nonong” T. Torres placed the club in the limelight by providing news releases every week in the metropolitan newspapers such as the Manila Bulletin and the Philippine Daily inquirer. This he did with his many contacts among Mediamen and through the help of a club member, Sammy Senoren who was connected with a leading newpaper as the assistant editor of the Daily Inquirer, sometimes hitting the headline for discussions of some Guest Speakers on some controversial issues or current happenings in the country. Pres. Nonong likewise reactivated the assistance of the Rotary Anns in the Club projects thru the elction of his Ann, Neneng Torres as the President of the RC Manila South Rotary Anns. The Club celebrated the birthdays of the members during home fellowship affairs.
1996-97 – Gerardo Thomas “Gerry” M. Atienza
Pres. Gerry improved the attendance of members though raffles of several items every week having been a successful businessman engaged in retail of many products in the Philippines.
10. 1997-98 – Jose L. Bico
11. 1998-2000 – Jose “Jojo” A. Baltazar
12. 2000-01 – Felizardo “Doy” DR Francisco
13. 2001-02 – Antonio “Tony” M. Mapalo
14. 2002-03 – Pedro “Pete” D. Genato
15. 2003-04 – John Hanna Assaf
16. 2004-05 – Herminigildo “Gil” DG Cance
17. 2005-06 – Petrus F Indrisie
18. 2006-07 – Jorge M. Pingol
19. 2007-08 – Roman Antonio “Roan” Lope
20. 2008-09 – Linda V. Heniel
21. 2009-2009 – Jimmy Mabacquiao